Testarossa Winery

You will find Testarossa Winery in “The Cats” — Los Gatos, Ca to be more exact.  You climb a sizable hill lined with very old homes and then come to majestic property lined with eucalyptus trees.  The winery is very old and has some lovely old caves attached.  We were told that it is one of the oldest continually operating wineries in California.  

The wines are excellent.  We joined the club.  There was no getting around it.  The Chardonnay is great, but the Pinots are what we came for.  And they are stunning.  At the time of writing, they were between vintages.  And the newer wines seemed to be the best in our opinion.  They had many of their pinots open, but there were a couple we bought and took home.  The Sierra Mar pinot took the medal of honor.  This is stellar wine.  You can see the review on our wine blog page.